2 Chronicles 29:36

2 Chronicles 29:36

Then Hezekiah and all the people rejoiced that God had prepared the people, since the events took place so suddenly.

2 Chronicles 29:36

King Hezekiah’s father, King Ahaz, reigned for 16 years, and he did not do what was right in the sight of God and partook in the evil rituals of the world, including child sacrifice (2 Chronicles 28:1-3). In his sin, he encouraged moral decline in Judah. He also dismantled temple articles and shut down the temple. When Hezekiah began his reign as king, he acted in the very first month to change the course of Judah, and he commanded the Levites to get right with God, resume their duties, and cleanse and restore the temple. Within 16 days, the Levites cleaned and restored the temple, and all the people assembled for worship and brought burnt offerings in abundance. We see in today’s verse the people rejoiced, because this change occurred so suddenly.

God did a mighty work amongst a people whose hearts were willing. In 16 days, God enabled the people to right 16 years of evil and unfaithfulness. Have you grown weary and discouraged at how things around us have changed, and how evil is called good and good is called evil? Just know that God can change it all in an amazingly short amount of time when people are willing. Like the Levites, the church is just a fraction of the populace, but once the Levites got right with God, then the work of God was accomplished at breakneck speed. Let’s endeavor to pray to God to do a work in our hearts, then in the church and watch to see how our nation can be restored to one whose culture honors God.

Pastor Jeff Mericle