Ephesians 1:5

Ephesians 1:5

…having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself…
Ephesians 1:5

In the Bible, many similes are used to describe the relationship between God and His people, such as a shepherd and his sheep, a husband and his bride, and vine and branches. No one simile entirely grasps the whole, but the relationship of a Father to an adopted son comes close. Jesus invites us to pray, “Our Father in heaven…”

In the above verse, Paul declares that our adoption flows out of being chosen before the foundation of the world as a valuable benefit for which we are predestined. Though Paul’s language is simple, the concept is almost beyond understanding, yet so precious. Even though each of us has an earthly father and mother from which we were born, spiritually each of us is an orphan desperately in need of redemption. God looks upon our need, chooses us, and predestines us for adoption as a glorious act of grace.

With such a glorious destiny, should not our hearts overflow with thanksgiving and praise? Should we not live in such a way as to display the infinite value of our Savior? What are our small troubles today compared to the exceedingly great treasure of knowing Him as our Father?

Tom Day