Matthew 5:10

Matthew 5:10

“Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”  

Matthew 5:10

News Flash! Don’t be surprised if the world doesn’t like you. The world praises pride, not humility.  The world endorses sin, especially if you “get away with it.”  The world is at war with God, while God is seeking to reconcile His enemies and make them His children. Is it any wonder, as we march into enemy territory, that we might get a little pushback? 

The promise is that “if” we are living lives in keeping with God’s ethical standards and are promoting these moral truths to the world we “will” be persecuted! It’s a good gauge for our spiritual effectiveness. Not that we are called to be obnoxious or get persecuted for our own stupidity, but if we are living as God wants us to live, we know that He is on our side and that we have heaven to look forward to.

For righteousness’ sake,

Pastor Gerard Deleeuw