1 John 1:6

1 John 1:6

If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth.

1 John 1:6

I have been guilty more times than I can remember of saying these words, “But I’m doing everything I can!” In that moment, I’m usually not being completely honest with myself or with God. When someone says those words, they are usually leaving something out; something that they are not doing or refusing to stop doing. Perhaps it’s something that we are not letting go of. We sit and wait on the fulfillment of a prayer and wonder why God has not responded, while all the while we are holding onto that one “little thing” that is hindering our spiritual growth.

Maybe some of you can relate to this dilemma. The easy part of saying we are followers of Christ, is just that, saying it. But it is something completely different to live it out each day with our hearts, our souls, and our minds. Asking God to help us should be the first line of defense, there are times when we may be sabotaging ourselves. Someone once said, “You may be doing everything right, but it is that one little thing that you are not letting go of that is holding you back.” We can say that we give up all this world has to offer, but sometimes keep a little piece of it in our back pockets. It is usually when we completely let go of all we were holding onto that God is able to work through us and for Him. Saying we have fellowship with God, while continuing to allow darkness to creep in, makes us liars and practitioners of lies. Let’s keep ourselves on the path of truth by keeping darkness away from our daily walks.

God Bless,

Paul Provencio