Matthew 18:4

Matthew 18:4

“Therefore, whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”

Matthew 18:4

What did Jesus mean when He said we are to humble ourselves like a little child? Well, think about when we were little kids, what were we all about? For one thing, I know I didn’t really worry about tomorrow. I was more concerned with who I was going to play with that day and what we were going to play. I was living day by day like Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:34, “Don’t worry about tomorrow.” 

Also, I was completely dependent upon my parents. They provided for me in every aspect of my life. They fed me, gave me shelter, and protected me. All my needs were met by my parents. Like Paul writes “And my God shall provide all your needs in Christ Jesus.” When I humbly realize that I am a kid in God’s kingdom, God says that is great!

Seeking to humbly walk with Jesus,

Pastor Rich Kikuchi