Romans 12:15-16

Romans 12:15-16

Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. Be of the same mind toward one another. Do not set your mind on high things, but associate with the humble. Do not be wise in your own opinion.
Romans 12:15-16

There are times when I’m heading to do a hospital call or getting ready to sit down with a family that has just lost a child that I suddenly feel inadequate or unqualified. What am I going to say to these folks? I haven’t walked in their shoes. What makes me the expert? As I’m praying, the Lord will often remind me of these verses, and my loving Father will tell me to simply go and meet these precious lambs of His right where they are.

Often, the best place to start is to simply sit down and have a good cry together. God knows they’re hurting, and He often exhibits that care through your willingness to weep with those who weep. We don’t have all the answers, if any, but God does, and from that place of vulnerability, we can let them know how God has met our needs in times of trial. Then, we can remind folks of the great and precious promises God has already given us when we face hardship.

It’s better to take Paul’s advice and not think too highly of ourselves or be wise in our own opinion but be willing to associate with people where they’re at and let the Lord do the ministering through us. You will probably find with time and patience that in those same situations, you’ll be rejoicing with those who rejoice as God brings all of you to a place of incredible peace.

Lord, use me today,
Pastor Gerard Deleeuw