Proverbs 15:14

Proverbs 15:14

The heart of him who has understanding seeks knowledge, But the mouth of fools feeds on foolishness.
Proverbs 15:14

I’m sure in the checkout line at a grocery store you’ve come across tabloids with tons of juicy details regarding famous celebrities, trendy life hacks, daily horoscopes, political scandals, and all sorts of information. People are feeding on this everyday on TV, on their phones, and sadly also in schools. With all this foolish information out there, it’s truly not difficult to understand why our nation is in the state it is.

The only way this can change is firstly through prayer because God can do anything, but the second way we can participate in this is by disciplining ourselves in seeking the knowledge of God. By allowing our minds to be transformed by Him so much that it reflects in our lives. A life transformed by the knowledge of God is a life that has something to offer this lost nation. So let’s continue to dig into our Bibles, grow our understanding, and increase our effectiveness to share with the world the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6).

Pastor Jason Witt