Acts 21:16

Acts 21:16

Also some of the disciples from Caesarea went with us and brought with them a certain Mnason of Cyprus, an early disciple, with whom we were to lodge.

Acts 21:16

A few years ago we presented a series of studies entitled “Lessons from lesser-known Bible characters” and Mnason was included. This one verse gives us much to know about Him. He was an early disciple, an OB: original believer. Which means he had now been saved some 30 years. He had survived several generations of God’s people and had stayed the course and was now willing to house Paul and his men who were not exactly the most welcome in all circles. He was from Cyprus so he was a Hellenist Jew, one who had come to Jesus outside the strictness of Judaism in Jerusalem. And by now, he was older than most but not set in his ways and still open to how God might want to work in that new generation.

His name appears only here and he teaches us that an obscure life can be useful to God’s work Who will give His faithful saints a full reward. Perseverance, openness, and humility left Mnason as a vessel God would continue to use. How about you?

Wanting to stay available and useable,

Pastor Jack Abeelen