Acts 8:26

Acts 8:26

Now an angel of the Lord spoke to Philip, saying, “Arise and go toward the south along the road which goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.” This is desert.

Acts 8:26 

Acts 8:4-8 shows us that Philip had a thriving ministry, one in which multitudes heard the things Philip taught and many miracles were performed, causing great joy in the city. So why would God call Philip to leave a thriving ministry to go to the desert? The answer is simple. God called Philip to the desert because it would be there in which Philip would get the opportunity to minister to an Ethiopian eunuch. God’s heart is as much for the lost as it is for His own, so much so that there are times that the Lord will call us to lay down something good just to get the opportunity to minister to one lost soul who needs the grace and love of Jesus.

It’s never easy to lay something down, whether it be a career, certain relationships, or even serving in certain ministries. A few verses down, we see that the Holy Spirit lead Philip to the chariot of the eunuch. In a similar way, we can always trust that whenever the Lord calls us to leave a good thing behind, He will give us the guidance that is needed to fulfill His will. The Lord doesn’t need us, but it pleases Him to use us, so may we be encouraged to listen and obey even when it leads away from something that is good in of itself. 

For His Kingdom, 

Alex Alfaro