Matthew 7:1-2

Matthew 7:1-2

“Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you.”

Matthew 7:1-2

Do you have a tendency to build an opinion about someone you’ve never met simply by what you see? How many times have you been right in your superficial evaluation?  We all have the unfortunate habit of jumping to conclusions about people before we have all the facts.  Jesus did NOT mean that we are to be naïve and lack discernment. He’s talking about those always on the hunt for faults, mistakes, or imperfections in others.

Not only is this destructive to the person being judged but also to the one doing the judging. “What goes around comes around!” When we hold up a measuring stick to others and conclude that if they don’t “measure up,” we will simply not accept them.  Or when we fail to show grace to others, it will be more difficult for others to show grace to us when we need it.  Best leave the judging to God and let the love we should have for others hope and believe all things (1 Corinthians 13:4-8).

Turning in the gavel,

Pastor Gerard Deleeuw