Acts 9:15

Acts 9:15

15 But the Lord said to him, “Go, for he is a chosen vessel of Mine to bear My name before Gentiles, kings, and the children of Israel.

Acts 9:15

The chosen vessel is Saul who just three days earlier was breathing threats and murders against the disciples of the Lord. What happened three days ago that God now has such grand plans for Saul’s (later known as Paul) life?  Saul met Jesus on the way to Damascus, and he became a new creation.  God no longer saw Saul as the man who murdered His children but instead He saw him as a chosen vessel. 

What did God accomplish through Saul’s life? The Gospel reached the known world through Saul’s ministry, and his epistles comprise nearly half of the New Testament. We too have a ministry that God has laid out for each and every one of us, and it is not up to our own power to accomplish His plans (2 Corinthians 4:7).  Is there something in your past that is hindering you from being fully used by God? Let it go, because you are God’s chosen vessel, and He has things which are appointed for you to do (Acts 22:10).

Pastor Jeff Mericle