Ecclesiastes 3:1

Ecclesiastes 3:1

To everything there is a season,
A time for every purpose under heaven:

Ecclesiastes 3:1

 I love the simplicity of God’s love for me. I also love to hear theological scholars debate Old and New Testament passages and then break down authorship and historical meanings. It brings comfort to my simple ears that we serve a God who can scratch the itch of even the most in-depth thinkers and still have time to allow me to sit at His feet and lean on His shoulders like a child to their dad. While God can surely be an abundance of deep thought, He can also remain as simple as a father who tosses the ball around in the back yard or holds a child when they scrape their knee.

 The world will try to build mountains out of mole hills and lead you to believe that your life is in dire straits unless you take actions and follow a dozen steps of protectional protocol. The truth is that we will endure various seasons in life, sometimes again and again. And in those times, we need not a PhD or seminary degree to reach out to Jesus and just simply ask. Our Father knows there is a time for everything under the sun and He will be there to walk step in step with us. No formal training required, just simple faith and a call to obedience is all the necessary equipment. God allows seasons to run through our lives for our edification and His glory. So, let’s take a moment to remember that every aspect of our lives will involve enduring a season and it consists of a time for all of God’s purposes under Heaven here on earth. And then my friends, simply ask of God and know He loves you and He hears. Rest easy in that.

God Bless,

Paul Provencio