october, 2023
Event Details
We are in the preparation stage for this year’s Thanksgiving Outreach to be held on Saturday, November 18 , at 9:30 am. Now is the time to begin stocking up on
Event Details
We are in the preparation stage for this year’s Thanksgiving Outreach to be held on Saturday, November 18 , at 9:30 am. Now is the time to begin stocking up on the various food items that we will be packing for each family. Pick up a flyer to use as a shopping list, then deposit the items in the food box in the foyer. You can also serve at the event.
Shopping List
Items needed to feed an average-sized family. Thank you for helping us to keep box contents comparable, please purchase items as specified. Deposit food donations in food box in the foyer.
Store Gift Card for Turkey
1 Box Instant Potatoes (13-15 oz)
2 Cans Green Beans (14.5 oz)
1 Box Stuffing Mix (12 oz.)
1 Can Libby Pumpkin Pie Mix (30 oz)
1 Can Evaporated Milk (12 oz)
1 Betty Crocker Pie Crust (boxed)
4 Dry Packet Turkey Gravy Mix
2 Cans Cranberries (16 oz)
2 Pillsbury Hot Roll/Cornbread Mix
October 24 (Tuesday) 10:00 am - November 17 (Friday) 2:00 pm