Jeremiah 29:13

Jeremiah 29:13

And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.

Jeremiah 29:13

Have you ever sought the Lord for guidance or direction only to feel like you never got an answer? What I found is most often we don’t get an answer because we are not diligently seeking Him. We pray and ask God for help and then go about our busy days. Rather than looking to Him, we go on social media, watch TV, or fill our time with one of the many other distractions in our lives. Days later, we ask the Lord why He has not given us the answers or direction that we are looking for. The answer to that question is found here in this verse, we did not seek Him with our whole heart. 

Next time you are looking to the Lord for direction or guidance, remove all the distractions from your life and diligently seek Him. Take a fast from the things that keep you from the Lord and spend that time in prayer and looking to His word. The Lord is not hiding from you, He wants to give you direction for your life. The question is, are you seeking Him with all your heart?

For the King,

Pastor Daniel Batistelli