John 15:2

John 15:2

“Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit.”

John 15:2

My wife loves gardening. Whether she is planting, watering, trimming, or even transplanting, tending to her garden is a passion. She gets her green thumb from her father and he taught her how to maintain a garden that flourishes. A garden that flourishes will spring forth new life and produce much fruit. However, one of the sadder parts of gardening for my wife is when she needs to cut back a branch that is no longer producing fruit. Something inside of us wants us to let it hold on a little longer and hope it will come back to life, but it never does.

 When we put our faith in Jesus, He becomes our gardener. And it is by His hand that we are planted, watered, moved around, and yes, even trimmed back. When we are made new in His grace, we cannot expect to remain exactly as we were. We quickly become aware that there are areas of our lives that must be taken out and pruned away if we are to grow bigger and better and bear much fruit for the glory of God. This process is not always comfortable and it usually doesn’t happen in our time. But it is always in His perfect time and for His perfect plan. Let God prune your life that you may bear much good fruit. Let’s make a conscious decision to remain grafted to the vine through which all life flows that He may use us to reproduce His glory.

God Bless,

Paul Provencio