Matthew 14:26-27

Matthew 14:26-27

But when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were terrified, and said, “It is a ghost!” and they cried out in fear. But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, “Take heart; it is I. Do not be afraid.”  

Matthew 14:26-27

The great American preacher H.A. Ironside was one day down on his hands and knees playing with his young son. He started to pretend he was a bear and growled loudly at the little boy. His son became afraid and went running up to his dad and said, “You’re not a bear; you’re my papa!”

Many times in our lives, the very things we fear are acts of God Himself. These are things that perhaps God has brought into our lives so that we can run to Him, to find our strength in Him, relish His love, and experience His awesome grace.

When the disciples of Jesus thought their boat was about to capsize on the Sea of Galilee during the storm, they looked out and they thought they saw a ghost. Needless to say, they had many reasons to be afraid. But what they saw was Jesus, God in the midst of the storm!

Whatever storm you’re facing today that’s causing you fear, you may well find Jesus at the center, beckoning you to follow after Him. Don’t be afraid. Trust in God’s goodness and love to always bring you back to Him!

Pastor William Del Casale