Proverbs 14:12

Proverbs 14:12

There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death. 

 Proverbs 14:12

According to the Word of God, there are ultimately only two possible destinations where every path leads, and where every path terminates: hell and heaven! When your walk in this life is over, you will have arrived at one place or the other and there are no third or fourth possible outcomes. You won’t be simply dead in the grave, ceasing to exist, or in purgatory or a halfway house hoping to escape. There is also no reincarnation to try it again, no Nirvana, and no planet of your own: only heaven or hell.

Because of sin, every person is on the wide road that leads to destruction. Because of Jesus who has come to save us, we have all been invited to turn to Him and find a narrow road indeed that leads to heaven. There is only one way, only one hope, our Lord Jesus Christ. We may think we know better, choosing our own path, and being assured in our wisdom, but according to God’s Word, without Jesus’ death substituted for your sins, eternal death awaits us. Read Matthew 7:13-29 as Jesus speaks directly to the outcome of a life with Him or without Him.  So glad to have learned that His ways are better than mine. I will walk with Him!

On the narrow path that leads to life,

Pastor Jack Abeelen