Psalm 16:1

Psalm 16:1

Preserve me, O God, for in You I put my trust.

Psalm 16:1 

The word preserve here means to guard, to protect, to attend to, which is what we see David ask for. He is asking God to attend to his needs, to protect him, to guard him, why? Because David walked in humility and understood that he needed God in every aspect of his life. If you know a little bit about David you know that his life was not a walk in the park, it was full of difficulties and yet he was able to endure everything that he faced because of his attitude in this verse. He sought the Lord for safety, for his needs and not only did David seek God out but David also trusted in God, even when the circumstances gave him every reason not to. Jesus is the only one who can preserve us, and because of that we should be moved to go to Him in our time of need. We can go to Him with our brokenness, our hurt, our doubts, our struggles and lay them down at His feet with the assurance like David, that He will see us through our trials.

For His Kingdom, 

Alex Alfaro