Psalm 32:1

Psalm 32:1

Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.

Psalm 32:1

Blessed can be translated “O how happy” and it certainly applies to this verse. O, how happy is he whose transgression, or breaking of the law, is forgiven. We have all failed in various areas of our life and none of us would be able to bear the weight of our sins without forgiveness. 

David wrote this Psalm after his sin with Bathsheba. He hid the sin for a year from the people, but he never hid it from God. God knew and sent the prophet Nathan to confront the king. Once David realized he had been caught, he confessed his sin and Nathan let him know God would forgive him.

The burdens of my failures are heavy indeed so the forgiveness of God for my sins is a tremendous weight lifted off of me. If you’re transgressing, sinning willfully, or just not doing what the Lord wants you to do, pray and get the merciful forgiveness of the Lord.

Lord, thank you for your mercy!

Pastor Ron Kitchell