Psalm 50:23

Psalm 50:23

He who offers a sacrifice of thanksgiving honors Me.

Psalm 50:23

What do you do when your life seems to be going south?  What do you do when it’s “Thanksgiving” and you have just lost a loved one or your job or your health?  Surely you can’t be expected to give thanks, can you? Sometimes thanksgiving is a sacrifice, we must thank God through difficult times while choking back tears.  Thanksgiving in the midst of a terrible storm brings tremendous joy to His heart. It shows the Lord that we really trust Him, regardless of the adverse circumstances we are facing. 

Perhaps you are having trouble finding good in your life.  Look no further than Jesus, He never changes.  Despite everything you might be facing, you can rejoice in Him.  You can give thanks for Him, His love, and His caring for you.  You can give thanks that He promised to work all things together for good. Train yourself to give thanks in everything and remember “a sacrifice of thanksgiving brings honor to the Lord.”  Thank Him for that trial you are facing, for that sorrow you’re experiencing, for the deliverance yet to come. He will use your thanks for His glory and your ultimate good!

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).

Pastor Doug Hardin