Romans 12:9

Romans 12:9

Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good.
Romans 12:9

I love that the Bible gives us such specific directions for life. How many times in your day do you go about wondering if you’re making the right choice? If you are saying the right thing? This is why we find the Lord consistently giving us clear directions and how to find the greatest fulfillment in serving Him.

Here, Paul gives us three things to examine. 1) Love in word and in deed. Don’t just say it, do it. Don’t just do it, say it. 2) Hate evil. The word abhor means don’t tolerate, accept, or live with anything that is contrary to God. 3). Kung fu grip or superglue yourself to what is good. The word cling is the same word used when people are married. There is to be a strong connection. As I stated earlier, I love that the Bible gives such specific directions for our life. They aren’t always easy, but praise Him for continually guiding our hearts that we can better glorify Him.


Pastor Sean Boehm