Matthew 6:34

Matthew 6:34

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

Matthew 6:34

Let’s face it, it’s not hard to drive ourselves crazy. As a matter of fact, there is much we can do to make ourselves nervous wrecks. From worrying ourselves into a frenzy with scandalous news reports and threats of the world going ever madder, we certainly have a barrage of opportunities in which to immerse our fears. We are creatures that thrive on uncertainty and the unforeseen. And all too often, we even see the church falling prey to one of the devil’s biggest lies; God is not enough.

            As a child looks to their parents and believes everything will be okay, so should we as Christians be looking to our Father in Heaven. For whom better to handle our daily troubles than the One who allows each day to unfold and begin again. And as each day begins anew, we have the opportunity to lean on God’s strength and not our own, just as a child would do with the parents they rely on. Do not let the enemy fool you, dear Christians. For not only is God enough, but He is also overflowing with strength, mercy, and forgiveness the likes we cannot fathom. Long after we grow weary, He continues to battle for us. God is enough.

God Bless,

Paul Provencio