Titus 2:11

Titus 2:11

For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men.

Titus 2:11 

Paul reminds Titus of two things in this verse. First, it is God’s grace that brings salvation and second, God’s salvation has appeared to all men. Grace is receiving what you don’t deserve, so in other words when we wanted nothing to do with God, when we didn’t deserve His mercies and forgiveness; He brought His salvation to earth. It is a gift of God, He does not offer His salvation to humanity because we had something that He needs, but rather it was out of love, out of compassion. It is because of His character that He gave us something that we didn’t earn; He offered us a remedy for the issue of sin to all who believe.

God brought this salvation through Christ, through Jesus giving Himself up to go to the cross to die and pay for our sins; He carried our sins on His shoulder. He brought salvation to all by bearing our sins paying the debt that was due. And through that, Jesus has given us salvation to all who repent and believe. God’s salvation has appeared to all men, God is inclusive, His sacrifice on the cross is for all who are willing to repent and believe in His resurrection. This salvation was not something that we found because we are wise or because we earned it or we knew where to look but rather it was given to us and appeared to us through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Salvation is offered to all and that should encourage us to share the Gospel to all around us because no one is ever too far gone for the grace of God. 

For His Kingdom, 

Alex Alfaro