Psalm 34:18

Psalm 34:18

The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart, and saves such as have a contrite spirit.
Psalm 34:18

Have you ever been brokenhearted and felt as though there was no one to comfort you? The beauty of the gospel is that our Lord draws near to you in such times. The book of Hebrews tells us Jesus is our empathetic High Priest because He has endured everything that we do, yet without sin. Whatever has left you brokenhearted, Jesus also endured; He knows. He knows what it is to be betrayed by a close friend, to have people slander your name, to have family not believe in you, to love someone so deeply only to have them reject you, to feel the crushing weight of sin, or whatever you are going through. He understands your hurt and draws near to you. He will never make you feel silly for feeling broken, tell you to rub some dirt on it, or tell you He has been through much worse.

As He draws near, He empathizes with you and asks you to give it to Him; He walks with us through our heartbreak. If you are feeling heartbroken, remember that we have a God who draws near. Also, follow His example and draw near to those who have a broken heart.

For the King,

Pastor Daniel Batistelli